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Meet Fabiola


I was born and raised in El Paso and am a first generation American. My family moved to El Paso's District 3 when I was eight years old. I lived and grew up in El Paso's District 3 until I graduated from Eastwood High School. My first job was working at McDonalds during my junior and senior years in high school. Upon graduation, I joined the Army and was stationed throughout the U.S. and in Seoul, Korea. In the Army, I worked in top secret telecommunications centers and held a top secret, SBI, SCI clearance. During my last tour in the Army I was stationed at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, NY. There, with the financial help of the G.I. Bill, I was able to attend college in the evenings and graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY.

After being honorably discharged from the Army, I joined the NY National Guard Reserves. Upon graduating Officer Basic Course, in the reserves, I was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant and served as a platoon leader. I also served in the Army National Guard where I worked full-time as part of the NY/NJ High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program. The program coordinates and assists local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in an effort to disrupt and dismantle drug trafficking and money laundering organizations. At the NY/NJ HIDTA, I initially worked with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in their communications center, and later I worked as an intelligence analyst under the U.S. Attorney's Office (SDNY). I attended Brooklyn Law School at night, graduating with a Juris Doctor degree. Several years later, I received a Master of Science degree in Accountancy from Baruch College, CUNY.

I was away from El Paso while serving in the Army, attending universities, and gaining life experience. However, I have always maintained a close connection with El Paso. El Paso is where my family lives. I am happy to be back in my hometown that I love; in the district where I grew up. Now I am ready to implement my skills, experience, and education for the betterment of the District 3 residents. 

Work Experience

I am ready to be a leader/servant and to use the leadership experience I obtained during my two tours in the Army and six years in the National Guard to better serve the residents of El Paso's District 3. I will also incorporate into my decision making the skills I acquired while working as an intelligence analyst, auditor, and financial adviser. I audited hedge funds for one of the top four accounting firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers, in Manhattan. I also worked as a financial advisor for Banco Santander. I understand the importance of fiscal responsibility, accountability and a balanced budget. Taxpayers deserve to get the most out of every tax dollar.

I am ready to put to use my varied legal experience as an attorney to serve the residents of El Paso's District 3. After graduating law school, I worked in the Bronx Housing Court representing NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development in cases imposing civil penalties on landlords. In addition to civil penalties, I sought court orders forcing the landlords to remove lead paint violations, remove dangerous housing conditions, and make repairs to ensure health and safety in housing. And just like I passionately advocated in court for the tenant's health and safety, I will passionately advocate for the residents of El Paso.

Children have a special place in my heart. And as an immigration attorney I have worked to champion the rights of migrant children who have fled their country due to poverty and other horrific conditions. I have successfully argued approximately one hundred (100) Special Immigrant Juvenile Visa cases before various courts. Having worked in immigration, I am acutely aware of the need for immigration reform.

Currently, I work at the 34th Judicial District Attorney's Office in downtown El Paso and am awaiting admission to the Texas Bar. I believe that my military, financial, and legal experience have made me a well rounded candidate, and I intend to use that knowledge and those skills to serve my community intelligently and wisely.  


Admitted to New York State Bar in 2000.  Admitted to U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York in 2002.  Admitted to U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York in 2002.

Need Your Support

Throughout my life I have always volunteered and advocated for those whose voices needed to be heard. Likewise, I will continue to work tirelessly to advocate for the betterment of the residents of District 3, as well as all El Paso residents.  When I ran marathons I never stopped and I never gave up; similarly, I will never stop and I will never give up working for the people of El Paso.  As a candidate for El Paso City Council District 3, I respectfully and humbly ask for your vote.  Your vote makes a difference. Together we can make a difference. 


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Fabiola H. Arellano Campaign
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