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Quality of Life Issues

There are many quality of life issues that affect society as a whole. Minor issues that some residents may believe do not matter or do not make a difference, when taken as a whole can have a major adverse impact on residents, communities, and neighborhoods.  I believe in making decisions on issues intelligently and knowingly.  Gathering all the facts, listening to all sides, listening to the experts on the particular subject, conducting research, and listening to the voice and opinions of the community before deciding what is in the best interest of the residents in District 3, as well as all El Pasoans.

I believe in building bridges. I believe in cooperation and collaboration with other elected officials, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other entities in an effort to achieve and accomplish mutual goals for the community.

The following are some issues that I believe are important to our community: 



Property Taxes

Property taxes in El Paso are too high compared with the rest of Texas. They are too high when compared to cities throughout the United States. The answer is not to keep raising taxes. The financial burden and debt, placed on the homeowner taxpayers, are too much. Fiscal responsibility, accountability and transparency are necessary. Why are property taxes so high and where exactly are our taxpayer dollars going. Taxpayer dollars should be used to provide services that directly benefit the taxpayers. 

Community Safety

Government is meant to protect its citizens. As a community we should feel safe in our homes and in our neighborhoods. Working with the local police departments and the district attorney's office to ensure the safety of our residents is a priority.  

Eliminate Fraud/Waste/Inefficiencies in Government

I believe in transparency in government. Incompetence and mismanagement in government are detrimental to the well being of our communities and society.  I will work ethically and with integrity towards efficiently providing services to the residents. I will work hard to eliminate waste and inefficiencies.

Veteran Services

As a veteran, I believe that we need to take care of our veterans and will work to ensure that they receive access to all the services they are entitled to. 

Animal Shelters/Care

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”  -  Mahatma Gandhi

I am the mother of a fur baby that I love dearly. I always say that I rescued "Bella."  But truth be told, she rescued me.

I believe we need to provide additional funding to our city animal services. We also need to educate people on the ethical treatment of animals. And those who commit cruelty towards animals need to be reported and legally prosecuted.  

Preventative Healthcare

As a cancer survivor, I know the importance of women being able to access preventative healthcare.  I will work towards improving preventative healthcare access to men and women.

Economic Development and Growth

El Paso is an awesome city. However, vision and hard work by city elected officials is necessary in order to attract the type of business growth that will ensure future economic prosperity for the people of El Paso. I am committed to helping small businesses and hardworking business owners succeed and thrive in our community.

Mental Health/Substance Abuse

Mental health and substance abuse are issues that need attention. Having been exposed to the El Paso DWI/Drug Court at the County Criminal Court at Law #2, I was able to witness how the specialty court addresses the underlying mental health/substance abuse issues. The treatment that is provided to the participants has been highly successful in transforming their lives. Making a positive difference in people's lives is challenging, yet extremely rewarding. I will continue to support both the DWI/Drug Court and the Veterans Court in their efforts to provide mental health/substance abuse treatment.    


Street repairs has been an issue in El Paso for years. There are street closures, and no repairs are being conducted. Then, there are street repairs that are completed only to have the same street that was just repaired broken open so that metal water mains can be replaced. This is ineffective and inefficient use of taxpayer dollars; this is waste. There must be communication and coordination amongst all agencies involved. There needs to be more transparency and accountability. Elected public servants need to be held accountable; what happened to, "the buck stops here." We also need to prioritize and repair the most damaged areas first; the broken streets, the potholes, the broken sidewalks, broken street lights and lamps, missing stop signs, etc. Furthermore, new infrastructure in El Paso must take place where it is needed the most. And transparency must be provided as to the true cost of the project (not unrealistic estimates or overinflated estimates); who is going to pay for the project, and who is responsible to pay for its maintenance.  


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Fabiola H. Arellano Campaign
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